Aspen Avionics Evolution 1000 Pro MAX PFD

$ 8.495,00

Evolution Flight Display (Americas)



  • GPS-aided AHRS in the event of pitot static failure
  • New, vibrant colors with the latest aviation glass
  • Audio panel interface
  • Higher reliability and faster refresh rates with latest generation processors
  • Airspeed and altitude tapes with altitude alerter (and separate approach minimums)
  • Built-in GPS steering
  • Full electronic HSI with dual bearing pointers
  • Base map with flight plan legs and waypoints, curved flight paths, and nearby navaids
  • Integral Air Data Computer and Attitude Heading Reference System
  • Backup indicators are eliminated with the installation of an Evolution MFD1000 MAX multi-function display
  • Altitude intercept based on climb rate
  • Font and window enlargement
  • Optional Evolution Hazard Awareness upgrade